Trump wont survive the Midas Touch


Just like everything he owns, Trump will turn into gold. This being a funny foreshadowing as he has been touched by the Midas curse. posted a video expose connecting the proof showing how the GOP is the real pedophile ring, following the Matt Gaetz scandal. Hours after, The Daily Beast released an article speaking about the Venmo transactions linking Gaetz to the Joel Greenberg scandal.


Quickly the twiterverse exploded making #GOPPedoRing the #1 trending topic in a hour. In the following image we can see in red Matt Gaetz and how later on that night The Daily Beast went up to almost 50. This graph shows the amount through today. 

Following the trail of facts, as more truth gets uncovered, it is only a matter of time until Trump with the rest of his GOP turn to gold. Finally after being gaslighted as a country for 4 years, we can finally get some justice. Soon there will be bells of justice because a picture is worth a thousand words. 
